New Steam Boilers for Defense Contractor

Syracuse NY

Syracuse, NY

We’ve been working with a local defense department contractor for an ongoing infrastructure rebuild over the last several years.  One of their recent upgrades has been to their boiler systems in mission critical buildings, many of which are nearing or passed 80 years old (the buildings, that is).

Our role in this was to help define their needs, see how those needs fit within the larger-scale rebuild, and then select and support the equipment that will deliver the performance our customer was looking for.  After a diligent review of many manufacturers and products, we chose Hurst Boiler Company high pressure steam boilers and related accessories.

Specifically, we selected (1) 500 hp and (2) 350 hp boilers along with deaerators, heat recovery equipment, blow down separators, and venting.  We also added the Hurst “STACKMaster” heat recovery economizer, which is expected to increase overall system efficiencies by at least 86%.  As a nice finishing touch, we included the Hurst “FIREMaster” combustion control system that allows more fine-tuned control over the variable frequency motor drives as well as the fuel/air ratios of the combustion process to give optimal steam to fuel efficiency.

These selections offered a great combination of performance, efficiency, fit, and price that should serve our customers comfort heat and humidification needs for decades to come.

Gary Archer, Sales Engineer, Syracuse

For After-Hours Emergencies, call 877-825-6686.